The Jeff Frazee Chronicles

WARNING:  This is not meant to be taken seriously but is truly a creation of Facebook emoticons that loosely describes Jeff Frazee as he heads over to Italy, even with figurative references. A special thanks to Rachel Cena, who created this. And now, The Jeff Frazee Chronicles……


  • Hi I am Jeff Frazee….I am setting sail on a new adventure to Italy.




    Here is my new boat as I sail the open seas.



    Uh oh, it's my old friend alcohol! This could be trouble!



    OH NO! The boat is sinking………



    Might as well drink some more……





    I made it to a deserted Italian island only to wind up…..



    Sleeping with the fishies…….THE END!




Sad ending isn't it???????

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
