It’s A Wrap!


Like Scott Stevens, when you hit the ground running so hard, sometimes the best way to go is to just let it go. The podcast really came along at the perfect time four years ago. It was time to have a brash podcast that took a no holds barred approach to the world of hockey. Last night was the final show of The Program on Blog Talk Radio.

There were so many great memories from the show and honestly too many to mention here. In a way, the show ended much as it began. We thanked everyone for getting us started and thanked everyone who has been along for the ride at one time or another. In between, we interviewed a bunch of people, made many more people angry, and hopefully learned and taught people likewise. On a personal level, it was the toughest yet most satisfying endeavor I pursued. There was never a dull moment. There was really no other way to describe it. I loved every single minute of it.

The show had its share of adversity but there were so many good times to outweigh any bad. We did the show live from so many locations and from some funny ones too. How many shows can say they did a podcast live from a library parking lot? From bars to arena stadium stories to everything in between, The Program was done just a bit off the beaten path. We ended the show just a shade over four years from its start as the new season was approaching. Why?

It was just time! There was no other way to quantify an explanation. On the bright side, an end does bring about a new beginning. The hockey world will now be introduced to THW LIVE starting on September 16th. Granted, the new show will be a bit more serious than the last one but when you are working for The Hockey Writers, the readers demand quality and that is what we are going to give them.

There will be interviews, roundtables, and spirited hockey talk thrown in with a side of humor. In time, there may be a minors and fantasy hockey show added to the mix as well. Stay tuned, hang in there, and thanks once again!



Chris Wassel

Director Of The Program/Host Of THW LIVE

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
