Anniversaries Of Birth: Hockey Style!

Rachel Rose

(My hockey partner and life partner….)

This is a bit unusual we understand but inspirations come in many forms. Then there is one that makes all the others completely irrelevant. I consider myself truly very lucky to have enjoyed my time and continued times with Rachel Rose Cena but this is her day today. At 22 years of age now, not only does she make me feel young but also I know I have the truest hockey partner in crime.

Rachel is truly the best sounding board I know. Not many know this but a lot of my ideas often start off by either talking to her or it is more or less her idea. Our hockey debates go in so many different directions. One night it could be about the New Jersey Devils and the next it could be about fantasy hockey or whatever subject that may come up.

She is also an integral part of The Program and what will become The Hockey Writers Live in September. Behind every man is a great woman and the reality is the cliche is quite true. There are few people that could truly understand how hard we are working to bring you an old show that was great and try to make it even better. The ideas she provides have brought levity and sense into what is a really hectic process.

Then there is the help from a writing standpoint. One’s vocabulary can always be expanded and leave it to Rachel to blow the roof off of it. When you are lucky to know someone that is not afraid to just be honest and blunt about what you do, one knows they really have found that special person. I am very lucky and extremely grateful.

That is why I wish Rachel a Happy 22nd Birthday and a hope that this day is truly special in every way because every day I am with her is very cherished and I love you.




About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
