FH 301: A New Beginning?


Fantasy Hockey 101 was for the beginner and we will still do occasional columns and Fantasy Hockey 201 took the same quick hitting approach but raised the stakes a bit.  Now it comes time for the unveiling of Fantasy Hockey 301.  We humbly thank our friends from Weekly Slapshot for all of their help in this.

Our meat and potatoes approach still applies as we will approach our 300 level course a little different from most that have been seen in fantasy circles.  After all, we could throw all sorts of crazy coefficeients and theorems at you until it blew your mind.  Now what would be the fun in that? 

What will Fantasy Hockey 301 entail?  Simply along with our 101 and 201 columns which will appear once a week starting in September, the goal is to go into the next level of why fantasy player X did this as opposed to that.  The Turkeys and Turkey Basters are just not enough in justifying the good and bad because there is so much grey. 

The fun will be the debate in which this will inevitably spark.  Also this will be heavily reader driven because of the plethora of keeper leagues that are out there.  We will be drawing experience from some of the big boys and girls in the leagues they are playing in.  The days of “experts” just spouting off a bunch of numbers is over.  We want to hear from the hockey fans and the fantasy hockey poolies and in our columns, we want to cater to you most of all. 

What will set 301 apart again is that ability to find the unexpected mired in the expected.  So for fantasy hockey coverage that is considerably outside the box yet brings you back, come to The Program.  We are not afraid to take the toughest or the easiest questions. If you bring the heat, we will try our damn hardest to bring you the answers.  Thanks again.



Chris Wassel

Director Of The Program

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
