Greetings fantasy hockey and hockey fans but there is some good news. We are happy to report that the Injury Ninja Ticker is down to 97. This is down 10 from Sunday. The key thing to look at is how many injuries have occurred to “stars”. That number is at 22…up 2 from this time last year.
When you are looking at this list, take some of the injuries with a grain of salt. Why you may ask? This is because some injuries are either worse or not as bad as one would think. Let’s play the injury lingo game of consequence.
Probable — This player will likely play that night. He will generally play unless a brick wall drops on his head. It is very rare to see a player miss game when listed as probable. We are just saying
Questionable — It is a nice way of saying we do not know how bad the injury is but it is likely 50/50 one way or the other. Questionable can also be used to throw doubt into the health of one player without going into great detail of why he is injured. The player that is questionable is almost always a GTD. We will touch that one too.
Doubtful — There is pretty much no way in Hades a player listed as doubtful is playing. You would have a better chance of seeing the Toronto Maple Leafs win a Stanley Cup. The potential is also there of missing more than 1 game and possibly several.
Game Time Decision — This is when a player that is questionable due to a variety of reasons tries to give it a go. Most times it does not go but sometimes it does. Those are the ones that you have to watch out for. Typically players with minor bumps or bruises and those with the flu go into this category.
Out — This is really just what it means. That player is out as in did not play. The designation that is likely the simplest of them all.
Injured Reserve — Vacation time for the hurt. The player could be out for 5 games or the season. Isn’t that correct Andrei Markov? There is no concern with Long Term Injury List here because that is for a completely different list entirely.
Undisclosed — This could be anything from a suspension or an injury to be revealed later come playoff time. It is also where a dump truck or a swine flu can be used as it is just something out of the total realm of sense and sensibility.
So using this fine and dandy list, you can now go on injury reports and have a slightly better idea of what is going on with your fantasy player. Also look out for the mental health cases listed as personal. Those are rarely used but we will lightly mention them here as it is only fair. Good luck and there will be more ticker news updates over the weekend.