Its a Friday and time to play Pick The Winner once again. Last night we did better with a 4-2 record boosting our overall to 39-28. Hey at this rate there may be hope for that 60% goal yet. Give me another six pack and pour the suds. Let’s dive in and just give the predictions already.
- New Jersey
- Buffalo
- Philadelphia
- Dallas
- Calgary
- Edmonton
There you have it. With a bigger schedule Saturday…we will have more time to dive into the meat that is the weekend hockey mix. We may even throw a college or AHL game or two into the mix.
Also…we wanted to help out the fine people at Dozen Sports.
What is is the latest in a line of revolutionary review portals from parent website This unique online review portal is jam-packed with the very latest news, reviews, events, pictures, videos and stats from the online sports world. Brutally honest and completely independent, Dozen Sports separates the Tops from the Flops, with the use of Dozen Media’s cutting-edge ARS© ranking system.Whatever it is you are searching for online, let Dozen Media do the work for you, sorting the good from the bad and the downright ugly. With so many sites under the Dozen Media umbrella, from gaming and entertainment, to travel and finance, you can stay abreast of what’s hot and what’s not in the online industries.
So for the latest…go check them out and NOW….they even rated ESPN360. ESPN360 shows every NHL game online by the way….along with other various streaming sites that Dozen has rated and critiqued.