Not the first time we’ve seen an apparent ‘kicked in goal’ reviewed by the league and then backlash from fans on the final decision. And it will not be the last…. unless….
Does anyone in here enjoy goals that go in off forwards skates? And I don’t mean important goals to tie you up or put you ahead in the game, but the goals themselves?
I personally find them to be cheap. And they aren’t the only cheap goals I can think of, but they are always sparking some kind of controversy. Which leads me to wonder…
Why does the NHL make this ridiculous determination on whether a ‘kicked in’ goal is premeditated or not? It is almost impossible to prove.
I personally could do without all goals redirected in by players skates, or blades. For the obvious reason that would do away with some of this unnecessary controversy, but also to further try and keep our games won by the teams that deserve to.
Now I am not saying Ottawa didn’t deserve to win last night, but picture if the game was tied and in overtime when Alfredsson was awarded the goal instead. As an Ottawa fan, you might be happy with this. Or as a fan that might have had a similar situation happen to one of their favorite teams, your views might be skewed as well. But for a fan of the game with nothing on the line, could you possibly tell me that in a series as exciting as this one, that you would be satisfied with that goal?
I know I sure as hell wouldn’t be.
Anyways, beyond the whole controversy behind my latest ‘change the rule’ rant, a no tolerance level against goals in off of skates (much like passes made off of hands), just might get some of the garbage from happening in our poor goaltender’s front yards. Lessening the chance of goaltender interference calls.