Coming soon…….

Well some noteworthy events are coming on The NHL Arena…..and I have to say they will be awfully special to say the least. The fun part as always will be what surprises suddenly pop up on the forum itself in the coming week. The one year anniversary is coming on December 10th….keep an eye out.

Hockey Around The Horn is in the developing stages for the next episode….we are looking for 4 panelists to step up and try to take the win and get their face time. The questions and judging get harder and harder but as always it is never ever dull. Just keep an eye out for the latest episode coming soon. There will be many surprises on it and much much more.

I also wanted to congratulate Sharksgirl on winning November’s Arena Game Prediction Contest by nailing down 110 correct picks.

Here is the official results page….thanks Erin!

So if you think what you have it takes to predict better than anyone else…then get on The NHL Arena today and see if you have what it takes to stack up against some of the best prognosticators out there.

Finally, there will be a special twist coming soon to the prediction contest…it will be simply Beat The Spread where it won’t be enough to nab down the winner but to well beat the spread. Further details are upcoming….so the season may say winter but The Arena will be far from cold. Enjoy!

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
