A Definite Surprise……

As I finished up the last of my two finals yesterdays, I saw quite an astonishing sight…EvanAddison (our first forum Commish) was indeed on The NHL Arena. Sadly I missed his very short appearance but the impact he had on the forum and this blog was immeasurable. He had a few words to say and offered much thanks.

Wow! You’ve really outdone yourselves William and Zita. This place looks amazing. I’m grateful that you’ve located me so that I could be here tonight.

If everyone knew the amount of work both Mr. Sutherland and Ms. Katalin put into this site, you’d be amazed. From learning the code, to creating the graphics, to spending countless hours of advertising, to moderating and putting together the right staff. And still somehow they found the time to welcome in new members and have a thing or two to say about the game of hockey.

I may have only been a part of the Arena for a short time, but I still have many fond memories. I’m shocked and honored as to how many times my name is still being mentioned today.

I had a bit of a family crisis last year. I moved from Toronto to a small town up north near Georgian Bay to take care of my mother and I haven’t been back to the Arena since. Right now I happen to be in a cyber café about 45 minutes from home. So my time here tonight will be limited. But I will do my best to pop in every so often, just to catch up and not be a complete stranger.

Everyone should pat themselves on the back for a job well done. This site is off the charts and something to be very proud to be a part of.


I was floored….and yes it does take a lot to do that. He was indeed the one that got me started on this blog and well the rest is history. But you always hold a healthy respect for the ones that help get you there. No doubt Evan more than helped all of us get there….he gave us that little bit of guidance to always push for more.

I would like to think we have at both The NHL Arena and The NHL Arena Program. What I can’t wait for is to see what comes next….because the evolution in the revolution is always going around and what is next will come faster than anyone thinks. That is the fun and thrill of it. Speaking of which I see some of the responses from Hockey Around The Horn are coming in and this one is going to be something else….I can see that already.

So thanks again Evan for saying hello and much thanks to Laura who made it possible. Don’t be a stranger Evan!!

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
