Just When I Thought….

Details are forthcoming but the NHL has rejected the Ilya Kovalchuk contract saying it circumvents the salary cap. The key to be emphasized is this.  With the press conference done and everything else, do you really think the Devils will lose Kovalchuk now?  Come on everyome, it is time to be a bit realistic here.

That being said, there were grounds to reject this deal but other deals should have been looked at faster.  Anyone remember the Pronger deal that took 4 weeks to even be looked at?  No one even bothered with the DiPietro deal (different era), and even the Hossa and Lecavalier contracts were kind of just glanced off as it was no big deal.

The wrinkle to everyone is this.  According to the CBA, this is apparently legal.  It is going to be interesting to see what happens next.  Do the Devils lower the term a bit and the amount or do we end up with a tete a tete battle between the NHL and the Devils GM.  Either way, this has the potential to get very ugly either way.  Sit back, drink up, and get ready everyone.  This is going to be good.

Thoughts and comments?

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
