Smack It, Smack It Good (Claude Giroux Parody)

It came to my attention that sometimes a great parody just needs two things….a trigger (event) and a fine song to go along for the ride. With the Claude Giroux incident fresh in everyone’s minds, we took a different look at an old favorite.

If you remember Devo’s “Whip It”, then you can see where this is headed.


Smack that ass
Give the cop a pass
Slap that big crack
Break your Flyers back

When a cop’s butt comes along
You must smack it
Before the alcohol sits too long
You must smack it
When the drunk’s goin’ wrong
You must smack it

Now smack it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go drink
Move that hand.
Try to detect it
It’s not too late
To smack it
Smack it good

When a good time turns around
You must smack it
You will never live it down
Unless you smack it
No one gets away
Until they smack it

I say smack it
Smack it good
I say smack it
Smack it good

Smack that ass
Give the cop a pass
Slap that big crack
Break your Flyers back

When alcohol comes along
You must smack it
Before the ass sits out too long
You must smack it
When the cuffs are going on
You must smack it

Now smack it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get sober
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to cop it
It’s not too late
To smack it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get laid
Grab an ass
Move ahead
Try to tank it
It’s not too late
To smack it
Well, smack it good


Thanks again Devo and the original lyrics: Devo – Whip It Lyrics | MetroLyrics

What will be the next parody? You will have to wait to find out!

About Chris Wassel

Simply I am a sports writer whose first loves will always be hockey and food. As we attempt to fix the site which has fallen into some disrepair (okay a lot), any and all help is always appreciated. For now, everything will channel through on a post by post basis. As always, let's have some fun!
